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Use Case Factory

Unlock the full potential of Unique FinanceGPT with our Use Case Factory – your ultimate resource for innovative solutions tailored to banking, insurance, and private equity challenges.



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Private ChatGPT Assistant

banking insurance private equity

Provides employees with a secure version of ChatGPT to support individual research and daily tasks.

Service Center Assistant

banking insurance

Provides KPIs extracted from call or meeting transcripts allowing for quality control and training improvements.

Knowledge Search Assistant

banking insurance private equity

Provides employees with fast AI-powered access to internal knowledge and documents, usually by connecting existing data repositories.

Document Analysis Assistant

banking insurance private equity

Allows all employees to analyse, summarize or synthesize a specific document or compare two documents.

CRM Automation Assistant

banking insurance private equity

Updates fields in CRM after any client conversation (phone, video, in-person) based on what has been discussed and agreed on.